Monday, December 3, 2007

Mike Lew

I had the privilege of meeting Mike Lew several years ago at a conference in O.H.I.O. He is an amazing author and advocate and one of our favorite authorities on the topic of Male Sexual Violence .

Mike wrote our Sept 07 BOOK OF THE MONTH pick: VICTIMS NO LONGER The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse.

Mike appeared on Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence back in February and we wanted to share this archive with you on the topic of male abuse.

This is a three-part interview:

Secton 1: Mike shared why he prefers to use the term "sexual child abuse" and how he happened to get into working with victims of sexual abuse. We talked about why men don't disclose as readily as women. Click:

Section 2: They discussed the impact of sexual abuse on men, including the issue of male stereotypes and images of masculinity, shame and the assumption that abused boys will become perpetrators. Click:

Section 3: Mike discussed the recovery process for men, including the importance of finding safety, giving up isolation, feeling the pain, making allies and having fun. He stressed that counselors who work with this issue have respect for the client, since that is a major wound for abused people.Click:

Funding cuts have disallowed this amazing radioshow: Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence, to no longer exists. Archives are still available, but our hope is that sponsors will be found in order to get this resource up and running again. If you or someone you know can help, please email Kathleen and let her know that you heard about it from WSO. We love Kathleen!!

Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence is now accepting sponsors and advertisers for the Internet radio show, Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence. For more information and rates contact:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! what a great book, awesome that you were able to meet him!