Friday, December 28, 2007

Art as Therapy

The purpose of art therapy is much the same as in any other psychotherapeutic modality: to improve or maintain mental health and emotional well-being. Art therapy generally utilizes drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, and other forms of visual art expression.

As children, drawing and art in general is something that is fun and creative, carefree. As child victims of abuse, many of us were unable to express ourselves honestly out of fear of ridicule or sharing our inner world with those who may harm us. As adult survivors of trauma, we can now reclaim the gift of art to help us work through memories or as a release from the everyday world into a safe place we create for ourselves.

One doesn't have to be an artist to draw. You simply have to be open to whatever comes out and replace negative language with positive, loving and learning as you go. For me, drawing was an a positive outlet as a child. I haven't drawn in years and don't consider myself an artist, but that doesn't mean I can't still draw whenever I want to! The truth is I love to color and will be purchasing a pile of coloring books because I'm starting to love my inner child and giving her the things she asks for that are safe and fun for both of us. In listening to her, I am respecting myself.

Respecting yourself means taking care of yourself. Perhaps drawing can be part of your routine, an outlet for creativity. I would encourage everyone to give it a try. You never know what you may find and who knows, just might like it!


Anonymous said...

sweet! love it. we should have a meeting where we all bring our crayons! and draw! together!

Earth Advocates said...

let's do it!

Jaime (An Infinite Mind) said...

my inner child part has a bunch of coloring books. It's a play date!

Girls Can't WHAT? said...

Don't forget digital art! I can barely draw a stick figure with a crayon, but give me a few hours with my Mac and I'm in art heaven. I'll come to the coloring party, but only if there's room on the table for my laptop. :)

(Wo)Men Speak Out said...

i think we have room for several more at this party! :-)

Anonymous said...

oh yes ya'll..."yes yes ya'll...and you don't stop!" sorry, a little beastie boys infusion for you..hey let's bring music too! the b boys are on my list! and tori, thievery corporation, the beatles, and zeppelin! and lots of blues....