Sunday, March 16, 2008

How am I going to get THERE?

Recently there was a warm weekend in Ohio and we took the opportunity to go to the Red River Gorge for a hike. Shortly after we set out, my hiking partner pointed out the destination - Double Arch. (Shown in the picture.) Although I kept my thoughts to myself, I clearly could not imagine how we were going to get all the way across the valley and climb back up to our destination.

As you can imagine, the initial hike was down hill and very easy, but the nagging question of how I was ever going to get to where I wanted to be created hesitation. Every step down committed me to another step up. This clearly reminded me of my journey through healing. I remember meeting some wonderful people who had also been abuse and were wonderfully happy and healthy. They had a great attitude toward life. They were realistic about their past and had a clear vision for their future. That became my destination. I wanted to be like them - Survivors! Thrivors!

Once I had declared my goal, I set out on the path. The first few steps were fairly easy, but as I moved forward into the valley of my memories, I realized I had started a journey that was going to take a lot of effort to complete. Like my recent hike, once you hike half way down the path, into the valley, you have no choice but to keep going, back up. You simply cannot just stop in the valley and not go any further.

The other parallel I noticed on my hike is that for most of the journey I could not see my desired destination. When I was at the lowest part of my hike, I would look up and not be able to see where I was going. There were so many trees in the way. Then on the hike up - straight up - I knew I was getting closer, but had no idea how the path I was on was going to get me to my destination. It just didn't make since. Perhaps the amount of effort was clouding my vision, but all I knew is that I was working really hard and had no idea when I was going to get there or if I would be able to appreciate it when I did.

Well, I made it and it was GREAT. Double Arch, and Survivorship, is such an incredible place to experience and the view (perspective) was so different from any other I had seen. Although I had been here many times, I saw new and beautiful vistas. It is such a great place to be and so worth the hike.

Please get on the path, take the hike, don't stop, work your butt off and get to the summit. Surviving and Thriving is worth the journey. Trust me.


Green Sheaves said...

Excellent! Well written! Double Arch is one of my favorites. I hike the Gorge almost weekly (live nearby). I usually tell folks 'if you are going down, you will HAVE to go back up'. But your analogy to healing is so well done. My wife is recovering from surgery and I will share your blog with her.

Angela Rakis said...

Thank you for the feedback. I wish you both all the best! Keep Hiking!

Jaime (An Infinite Mind) said...

I am a little late in reading this but I just caught up on things. I wrote a very similar blog about connecting my experience sky diving to healing on Myspace ( How funny we both found the parallel.