Thursday, November 29, 2007

Let me introduce myself

Hello everyone. My name is Angela Rakis and I have been invited by Ophelia and Chris to participate on the WSO blog. It is truly an honor. Thank you both!!

I am also an abuse survivor and now an advocate for survivors of all types of abuse. I personally understand the seriousness of the long term effects abuse has on a person. Those who have not been abuse, or choose to ignore their own situation, often express disbelief that an event that occurred so long ago can have daily effects on an adult. We know better. This is the number one reason why I am an advocate and speak out on the subject. There are an incredible number of adults suffering without any support and I believe that is unacceptable. We all need support and love if we are to move forward to create a healthy and happy life for ourselves.

I am committed to supporting survivors in as many ways as possible and welcome this opportunity to communicate with so many people that are dealing with the same issues I am. Although I went through several years of serious work on myself, and made great progress in my self-acceptance and healing, there will always be an internal struggle with the subject of abuse.

In my future posts I will share with you my thoughts on these issues and I welcome your feedback.

~ Angela

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Angela,

Welcome to the WSO team!!

I am a passionate follower of WSO, Ophelia and Chris. I am Kathy and as wretched as it is to say on a day like today..I am I am I am a Survivor as well. I am truly looking forward to seeing your work and passion flow on here and will wait patiently, sort of. just kidding.


Namaste, Kathy